++- Well in recent news, I've attained 3 more designer programs to my ever so dying batch,: Flash 8, Illustrator CS3, and DreamWeaver CS3 which came with several programs itself. Reason i got a little outdated version for flash was mostly because it's the version im more comfortable with. I didn't feel like learning NEW tools and NEW rules to the AS (Action Script) and rather just stick with what I knew.
++- Another new this is, you may have notices my top banner for my blogspot is actually flash integrated and so is the navigation bar underneath it. Now, the banner of course works, but currently I'm working on fixing the navigation bar for it doesn't seem to actually work when you click the links (even though on my own computer offline, it seems to work just fine). So I'll fix a few bugs here and there and see how it all goes.
++- Currently STILL unemployed so please please PLEASE, if anyone out there just so happens to be reading this, please let me know if you'd like me to work for you, or even freelance, since I do freelance as well. I'll post my resume soon as well as my freelancing contract but if you are interested, then simply email me at ltrademark@hotail.com and I will send you a copy myself (maybe even conduct some business. Sorry to say, but I am in desperate need of a job and am willing to do whatever it takes to make the costumer/consumer happy and content with their product (whether it be website design or art, ill do it). I also accept payment in paypal or in checks. If you live in the Fort Lauderdale (Florida) area, I am urged to have you contact me A.S.A.P. I will be available for work immediately! If this does happen to occur recently though, I will have to be asked to possibly be excused April 2nd and 3rd, for that day I have my last Graphic Arts exam which I need to pass in order to full-fill my course expectations. For more information please email me.
++- Lastly, my birthday is in 3 months, Canada trip is supposedly in 4 months, and anything and EVERYTHING else is undecided. In other words, time is an essence, and I seem to be running short. I will try to succeed, but who knows where that will get me.
(In refferance to the fist point, If you would like to obtain any of the programs above, then for a limited time only, I'll be giving it away for FREE! so come get a copy now before it's TOO LATE!)