Sunday, March 29, 2009

Post 25: Counter Productivity At Its Finest

So I guess you've noticed that I have 2 blogs up with quite some hate towards humans ... heh, we'll I guess you can call it "relieving stress" simply ranting about how (yes) part of me DOES in fact hate humans. People. They just annoy me. And I'm sure they annoy you sometimes too.

I suppose an update of my current conditions are necessary to the follow up on my well being. As far as work is concerned, they cut my hours dramatically. My paychecks haven't exactly been "hefty" sums of what I would expect for two week (then again, the hour cuts do affect it) and the search for another job is harder than before. Kinda sucks with my luck, you know? Before, I'll admit I was an amateur, and I was totally clueless oh how to obtain a job. Now that I've been in and out of that process several times, I have a much better understanding of what to do and what to expect. BUT! seeing as to how the economy is being shat on, every employer that I've approached has given me the impression of, "SURE! we'll hire you!" then moments later say they have no position available. I don't know... Maybe, maybe I'm doing something wrong? maybe it's not the economy but rather myself? And on top of all that, I've been of what I would describe as "emotionally retarded" lately.

I guess most of you optimists out there are probably about to bitch me out on how "negative" I am and how "there's always a brighter side" to situations like this. You want some happy? I'll give you some happy. As far as good things go, I'm totally serious about my moving plan, which is a first in a few things I've actually been serious about. Secondly, my manager is getting replaced with some other guy, with a typical Spanish name (yay for the replacement). As for how the new manager will be to the old? who knows. Chances are I'll end up hating him too. And... so yeah! that's about it! I'm still with my girlfriend, but that hasn't really changed much so I can't really count that (although it does make me happy). So, HA! 4 - 2. In your face optimists. Truth is there is no REAL negative, nor a REAL positive here. It's simply all based fact upon an elapsed period of time.

For a final summation, Id say in occurrence of all those things, I'm beginning to get very frugal of how much I spend. Yet, even when I do spend ANY sum of money, I always feel bad about it after words. I guess my hate for money still exists, just now I need money (Thanks society, for basing your lives around a monetary system of paper bills, where money is nearly everything) and I feel regretful whenever I spend it somewhere.

Friday, March 20, 2009

Post 24: People Are Filthy

Working within the confines of a fast food facility while working with people has made me realize something I deem to be quite important: People suck, and I hate them. I'm sure to some of you out there you might agree with me, whilst others may be pondering, "Well, wouldn't that mean you hate yourself?" The answer is not quite. I understand that human nature is irritating, and their understanding of the world is rather primitive, but I believe there is still much room to learn from past mistakes. Regardless though, Humans of nearly any kind irritate me. But the ones that just tick me off the most are the stupid ones. Not really in the ranking of intelligence, but stupid in the sense of their lack of understanding certain things. It could be an angsty teenager, or an old cranky man, but what both may share is their lack to intake certain knowledge, thus making them seem ignorant.

The reason all this really angers me, or simply bothers me, is because I have to deal will several hundred customers per day. It has opened my eyes to things people wouldn't normally notice about other upon first glance. I guess to put it simply, people annoy me with their ignorance and in some cases, I wish they'd go extinct already. Of course I have to be careful for what I wish for, for I too am human and probably act like any other human would. I suppose I'll take the rather nontraditional method and dub this paragraph the introduction. Let me first share with you all things that I notice that particularly anger me.

The first thing I notice that can piss me off so fast, that I give up on humanity and life itself, is when customers argue with me. Now, I would understand if this argument was relevant to any reasonable situation, but sadly, its not. It never is. Chances are, they are complaining about the prices, and how expensive they are. Listen, I don't make the bloody prices, nor would complaining to me make them change or suddenly become lower. Or sometimes they complain about their order. They would say, "Oh, Hey! yeah... uhm.... I asked for a chicken soft taco with NO lettuce... uhm, well there's lettuce in here." What sucks is being where I work, there's a "Customer is always right" policy, meaning you have to agree with the customer regardless to how wrong or how stupid they are. Sometimes they argue about how long it's taking. "WELL sir/ma'am, I'm sorry the food's taking a while to make, let me go check in the back and see how much longer it might take. Sorry for the wait [insert fake yet awkward smile here]" Listen, the first thing you have to know about fast food, is that it's not fast. It isn't. Despite the ingredients in the food, quality of the meals, or even lack of good customer service, fast food is more slow than anything. People should be patient with it if ever even thinking of dinning out. I suppose my analyzation of this is that humans that tend to be too simpleminded tend to take the label of an eatery too literally and in the end, get nothing but enraged about how long the food is take to prepare.

Second pet peeve of mine that wont get you on my good side, is when people, mostly kids in high school (those kids tend to be either jocks, sports players, or scenesters), think they're being cool and smart and start asking me for free shit. Either that, or harassing me about something that I'm doing. Sometimes some kids ask for water cups in hopes that I wont notice that they're not REALLY getting water, but really soda. Seriously. I want to meet the fucker who thought of that ridiculous ruse and just make him feel like the stupidest piece of monkey shit he already is. Honestly, did he really just go, "Oh, well instead of paying for a small or medium cup which would barely cost me $2 cause I'm being a cheap frugal asshole. why not simply ASK for a FREE water CUP and DECEIVE the cashier into thinking I really want water, and just get soda instead" That just deserves a punch in the face; I'll be more than glad to deliver.

Seriously, Fast food is such bullshit.

Thursday, March 12, 2009

Post 23: Downfall of Humanity

I'll be honest straight from the start; I'm not that old, and I haven't seen the world like most have, but I want to. And its important to know things about this world because those things are essential to out lifestyle. They help us understand why things are, and why things can or should be. But my interest does not linger amongst the broad prospective of modern civilization. My focus is more upon the aspect of Homo Sapiens.

My occupation consists of social human interaction. This basically means I simply talk to people for a majority of the day. My job is simple; I take peoples orders, ring them up in a machine, take their money and hand them their change, and thank them just before me and this seemingly unimportant individual part ways. Now, I take it an extra step at times and I attempt to formulate a conversation (when possible) with the customer. This helps me in providing great customer service, but I also keep in mind their position. I would think, "If I were a customer and I were to be greeted by some stranger, what things what I expect to hear? would i repel? or would I converse?" With this in mind I approach the customer in a polite manner and do with it what I can in order for them to "Enjoy their stay" at the eatery that I am employed at. But during my time spent at this position, I've gathered interesting information regard individuals in a much more broader perspective.

As I would regularly stand at my cashier position, most humans tend to make odd gestures when in times of thought or contemplation. Some tend to exaggerate this gesture more than others, but what amazes me is that these actions are subconscious. I then begin to wonder if I do the same, and chances are I do. Another things that occurs frequently is the customers attempt to manipulate me in means of using poor language to address their case of desire. This seems to occur much more frequently with the adolescent individuals that come by every now and then. To be honest, they tend to get rather irritating, for some of them if not most of them act younger than their actual age. In accordance to the behaviors of most of these human beings, it seems apparent that ignorance is a constant role player despite the differences in age.

Whether the customer is only in high school, or way past their retirement age, One thing that has always struck me with slight fury is the ignorance some people tend to give me. This ignorance makes itself known through their anger, through their frustration, or even through their sarcasm, but it is there nonetheless. It's almost as if, to them, I am the lowest of the low upon this earth, and therefor they have the right to criticize my job and what I do. They even try to exaggerate how simplistic and easy it is, but fail to realize the true burden of the occupation. Sure, it may be easy, but it is very, very tedious. There are times when a simple task can even become tiring, but yet I believe that is the challenge of the job; endurance of what the average individual considers "easy."