It has been six days since I arrived in Norfolk, Virginia and it has been an interesting experience so far. In a lot of aspects, the surrounding areas seem to be lost between suburban and urban kind of lifestyle. Large aspects remind me of fast paced city life, yet other aspects remind me more of Florida. The need to drive most places is a good example of that and what it could entail.
That being said, I'm still looking for a doable means of transportation, whilst looking for an apartment, all while spending as little money as possible. Which has proven to be difficult. I don't know what it is about American money compared to Canadian money, but its just so much easier to spend. In a scary way, of course. Dollar bills are still a weird concept, as are pennies. I guess I got too accustomed to using loonies and getting rounded change.
As for now though, my search continues, and this beard isn't coming off until I'm fully settled (or I have a job interview)
Till next time
- L