Who Am I

A question I'd like answered myself. No, but really, who AM I? As far as I'm concerned, I'm like everyone else; minding their own business, trying to get by in life. You know, all that mediocre bullshit everyone goes through at one point or another. What sets me apart from everyone else? hah, if I was asked this question 9 years ago, I would say blogging, vlogging and anything else revolving around this, but I guess now I'm like everyone else. Or.. everyone is like me? ;D heh, I'd rather not take credit, for I EXTREMELY, HIGHLY, doubt, that I was the only one.

I was born on the month of June, in the year 1990. Which... makes me however old you calculate me to be. I work with computers most of the time. Software, no hardware. I also invest a great deal of interest into google and their products. I like the direction they're going in, and hopefully one day, I can work for them! although I highly doubt that will ever happen. I also enjoy traveling! although I rarely ever have the money to travel. I wish there's an easy way out of having to endure everyday boring labor and just get paid for doing things you enjoy. In all honesty though, I don't know what I want, or what I want to do. Time is running out, and I'm getting older, but I seem to be stuck. Stuck, deciding what's "best" for me. Thinking of things like that just leads me to question myself.

So in the end, I don't know who I am. I am a shell, a body, with all the necessary components of a human. With a thought process that is on the same level as any average person. There's nothing special to me. Altough, sometimes, I wish there was...