oday was rather an interesting day by far. You know, I've been noticing lately, my life truly has been looking up. Although my social is still sort of weak, everything else seems to be slowly rising to its positive. Recently, I found out I may only be weeks away from finishing school, got my cell phone RE-activated (with some strings attached, but I'll live), and of course my privilege to drive a motor vehicle. My mood has also been more positive, although I still contain the ever-so typical pessimistic outlook on life. All I'm missing now are friends (locally) and a Job. I prefer to get the job first and proceed with my social life.
I must say though, my life really has been looking up and I'm enjoying every moment of it. It's almost as if I'm regaining my freedom that I've once childishly lost. It's actually rather invigorating knowing that, somehow, someway, everything will be alright. As comforting as is a cozy pillow and a warm blanket on a frigid winter night. Lovely. I miss cuddling, actually. And warm friendly hugs. I really miss all of that. I want it all back and I will stop at nothing to do so. [Sigh] If anything though, I'm pretty content with what I have now. No more holding back; I'll continue running, but this time in the right direction, towards my problems, not away from them. This is a time for change. For me and hopefully fro this world. I'm sure we've all noticed all the bullshit that has been occurring throughout todays society. We should do something to stop it all! We have a voice; we have a mind. Our minds should be as one, not segregated. Segregation is what brings conflict upon everything and diversity is the ignorant mind set of people. No it's not a hippie statement and your a fucking idiot to think so. It's a legitimate self-expressed mindset that it actually appropriate for this time period. I finally see what Lennon was talking about, what all the famous stars that attempted to make their voice heard; I understand now. Maybe... I shouldn't have so much hope in humans. No one will ever agree on what's right and whats wrong, mainly because "right" or "wrong" is nonexistent. It's a diversion created for the human mind, BY the human mind in order to create diversity. It's also the easy way out, and if there's anything I have learned from life so far, is that the easy way out never gets you anywhere. In fact, the easy way out gets you only to where you last started. To get anywhere, you have to work for it. If you are still in high school, make your decision now. Now from what you want to do in your life, but what you simply want to do! You honestly won't know what you will want to do as a career probably until your 20's. Some are lucky and know earlier on, but in general, you wont know until you are positive of what sort of future you desire to pursue.
Well, thats all I got for today, stay tuned for next time (: ALSO! e-mail me posting topics you would like for me/us to discuss! the email is listed either above or on my blogger profile. Take care everyone! much <3
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