Sunday, May 4, 2008

Post 10: I Can't Help But Smile

So much has happened this past week. No. Month. But even so, she always kept me smiling. It's kind of funny, and yet kind of odd at the exact same time, as to how close I got to her (and she to me), yet I'm sure there's still a lot we don't know about each other. Heh, makes me scoff a little inside, because when I think about how long I've known her, and I think about how much I care about her, I can't help but think that maybe I'm living in a Disney-esk life. Where things like this happen so quickly and sometimes so unknowingly, it really catches you by surprise.

I recently saw this other girl's facebook, and I've come to a realization... Although we don't anymore, and although, there used to be SOMETHING there... The fact of the matter is, that there is nothing there anymore. Where as there might have been before, even the littlest bit, there's nothing there now. And it's a pity... I suppose, in essence, it's my fault. I let this happen. And i brought myself down for the longest time. Funny enough, someone like her can make me feel like I can achieve more than is humanly possible. As if I'm on top of the world. And bit by bit, I'm accomplishing tasks I never thought I'd accomplish. I care about her so much, It's hard for me to express through any form of art or expression. Whether it be music, visual arts, or even the verbal art. I suppose I hold back at times, but ill tell her truly when I see her. I won't hesitate.

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