Friday, November 5, 2010

Dear Internet

How are you? I am good. Sort of. It's been quite a journey. Ever since I last updated my last post, a lot has happened. And yet, a lot has also stayed the same. A lot has simply changed to stay the same now, and some things have changed for good. All I can say now is that I don't know what is to happen in the future.

So, what has happened so far?
School is still a task I need to complete. I started learning korean, and have learned up to the point of reading and pronouncing the words and alphabet. Also, my job has become a slight bit more steady. I guess to some extent, jobs are sort of like relationships. And in my case, I seem to have have these long term relationships with these jobs. I know that in the end, it will be hard to let go. I'm not good at these sorts of things. Heck, I HATE making food. And to be making "mexican" food again? it becomes draining. I want another job. One I'm more comfortable with. One I dont have to complain about when it comes to doing my so called duties. It's not that I HATE my job that I have now. It's simply the fact that I'm in the food and beverage business, and I'd much rather be eating the food, as opposed to making it.

So, plans for the future?
Yes. I'm planning on using this blog to express my opinion on things ranging from tech reviews and suggestions. And if I get around to it, I'll host live sessions assisting anyone with tech help and things relevant of that nature. Also, anything personally related such as art, im planning on starting a comic soon. What's it about? just my time in Toronto. You see, this city is full of weird fucking people. And I plan on sharing them with the interwebz. So EVERYONE can bask in their weirdness. And just for fun, I'll take pics of them and compare them to my "cartoon" versions of them. Well, that's all I have for now. Stay tuned for next time when I post something actually worth seeing/reading about.


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