Saturday, November 13, 2010

Living Conditions

You know, it's been a while now since I have been moving around and settling, and moving around again. And if there's one thing I noticed, is that you never want to live somewhere you love to be. I feel like if you spend enough time in a certain location, you will grow to hate it and find it boring. But it's only until you are taken away from it, that you realize how much you like it there.

I like Toronto, and I like Boston; I don't think its a good idea to live in either place. I think where you live, doesn't necessarily have to be enjoyable, but rather manageable (work, transportation, fees, cost, economy, etc.) Then, the places you love serve as an escape for every time you simply want to just "get away", or relax. Hmm, I guess to some extent, it can be an unrealistic portal to a reality you are not normally used to. Or rather, something not as mundane as what you tend to go through on a daily basis.

That's why I like to travel; by not staying in a place long enough to hate it, and not staying away from a place long enough to miss it, I sort of escape the variable of me ever feeling something permanent about a certain place.

Hmm, well, that's all I have to say for the time being (:


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