Tuesday, April 5, 2011

fuck you blogger

i just wrote a very heartfelt fucking blog. and you erased it. didn't bother saving a draft of it even. fuck you. never writing in this shit again. I'm so pissed.

goodbye forever.
- L

Saturday, February 19, 2011

Mobile webdesign

So I just realized, that it's a pain in the ASS to turn websites into mobile view. But it has to be done one way or another...

in other news, its snowing like crazy outside...

- L

Monday, February 14, 2011

Bad Habits

Some people enjoy sleeping. Heck, I do too. But I've been sleeping too much lately. To the point where its become unhealthy. My sleeping pattern is fucked and needs to be fixed soon! I can't stand not doing anything all day, then waking up to find everything closed. Yes, I'm afraid today is one of those days. And I hope it doesn't continue.

I made an android tutorial a while ago. Will post soon~


Monday, January 17, 2011

F***!!!! #!@$!#%$

So today was a lovely day. Slept in since work started at 5PM and since i was running late, i decided to take the TTC (Toronto's common form of transportation). Everything was fine and dandy, despite that i was running a bit late. As i was standing there, i was studying my surroundings, and i noticed a woman pulled out her phone, which just so happened to be the same phone i had. I don't know whether it was the curiosity that struck me, or just stupidity, but i then wondered, "hey, what time is it? am i late?" so I reach in to pull out my phone. the next 3 minutes was pure hell.

As I pulled out my phone, it nearly, if not almost immediately, slipped out of my hands (i was wearing shit ass wool gloves/mittens/whateverthefucktheyare) and as i juggled it for a few seconds in the air, you know, in hopes to catch it? it lands face down on the floor. no bouncing. no movement. just... splat. i carefully bent down to pick up the phone, only to witness the inevitable damage it had gone through. in a matter of seconds, without thinking, i manage to shatter the exterior glass of my new Samsung Galaxy S i9000M. and JUST when i was getting it to work the way i wanted it to, this comes and happens.

The phone itself is still in functional condition, and nothing else aside from the screen has been damaged. but FUCK! anyone would be pissed. not to mention, the trouble i will have to endure to fix this small pile of crap.

So what now? well. I have a few options. Contact Samsung, hope they can replace the phone with little to no charge (HA, i don't see that happening. damn large companies), OR I can go to this cellphone repair place that i trust, and pay them to do it (yeah, a much more realistic approach) OOOR! I can grow a pair of balls and purchase a replacement screen at which I'll have to replace myself (disassembly and all).

And there you have it, folks! be careful with your electronic devices! I clearly wasn't careful with mine, and I regret it TERRIBLY. granted, I never purchased a screen protector or a case for it. Ironically enough, I was supposed to the day after (tomorrow). who would've thunk it, eh? *le sigh* Awe well. such is life.

Also, apologies for not capitalizing and punctuating this blog (yes, I'm talking to you, Grammar nazis). I was too lazy and i really didn't give a fuck. I know I'm going to look back at this 3 years from now and think, "LOL what a fucking n00b. can't punctuate shit! why the hell did i even type like that?!" Well you know what, future-Leo?! FUCK YOU! cut me some slack you overgrown asshole! i'm doing the best i can. and the frustration and anger i'm going through isn't exactly helping. And if you even THINK about counting how many times i wrote "I'm" simply to criticize me on that too, then i will fucking time travel and kick your senile futuristic ass! then smash w/e phone YOU have. Asshole.

Sorry about that. Had to release some anger and frustration. Anyways... out of boredom and my expansive amount of free time, I will be writing 2 reviews and guides (for n00bs) in the up and coming future (like, in a few hours, to a few days) concerning the Motorola milestone, Telus edition, and the Samsung Galaxy S I9000M, Bell version (which is what the M is for). Maybe a video is my insecurities allow me to do so.

Aside from that, I've been flowing with comic concepts and product concepts. so, parts of my imagination, both ranging from fictitious, to realistic.
Stay tuned for that! if you want...

yours truly,