Thursday, October 23, 2008

Post 18: The Start of Something Bad.

So as of today, my life has turned a new shit point, and has now slid further down the stream of piled crap. Listen, all I want is for me to get my damn paycheck, then buy her the ticket so she can come here. Not that complicated. But no. Life, being a bigger asshole than me, threw a slimy shit ball right at me about 2 days ago, and what happened was the manager screwed up my paycheck.

"But Leo! how did he mess up your paycheck?? He's the manager; shouldn't he know what he's doing?"

Yes, audience, he SHOULD know what he's doing, and I strongly weigh emphasis on the word "Should". See, what he did was he pretty much did not include a good chunk of my hours worked. Thus in result, my check added up to be a total of $143.55. Now, that's not all. Not only did he miss a huge portion of my hours, but he also didn't pay the agreed upon rate for my position. It was indeed a huge mess, and the fact that I didn't even know the first thing about fixing it, worried me that I wouldn't be able to. Eventually, the assistant manager told me that they fixed my paycheck, and that it should amount in the next paycheck. Now although I did complain to him that the paycheck was short of hours, I did however fail to mention the fact that the agreed pay rate was also no included in the paycheck. At this point I don't know what further action to take upon having that fixed. Hopefully I can work something out while it's not too late.

Once I can straighten my check out, and all is good on that end of the issue, then I will immediately proceed to the near Starbucks coffee shop. From there, I will negotiate for an interview and see if I can score a position within the facility. If I triumph, then the result will go as follows: I give Taco Bell my oe week notice prior to resignation, inform Starbucks of my transfer within the following days, and if I'm lucky, I should start there as soon as I quit my job at Taco Bell. Now, if none of that occurs at all (if not by order), then I suppose the next taken step is to search for a job (using the same methods as for the Starbucks) until I find one with a higher paying wage than My current job. Of course, I wont quit until I have another job I can hop to.

And for the record, I am doing this job for the paycheck, but above that, I was also rather curious of what occurs within the confines of that fast food restaurant. In addition to my curiosity, I also learned quite a bit as to how most fast food facilities should behave and should manage. Although I was the one on the outside, sort of just watching everything occur, I got a pretty good idea as to what should and should not be done. Therefore, with the benefit of getting paid, I also learned quite a lot about a field/area in which I was positioned in.

Aside from all the work shenanigans, my family is also in quite a bit of turmoil. Heh, I can't even call it that anymore. Honestly, I don't know what it is. My dad, above all, is being stupid. I don't know when he would realize that his reasoning is irrational, and that out of all the possible answers to a question, his is always the wrong one. He has to learn that just because you give an answer that has relatively more words than it should, and includes some sort of philosophical sounding saying within the response, does not make it any more right than someone answering each question with a question. There's things in life which you do, and things which you don't. The ones which come in between, relatively are the ones based within our own psyche.

All this and more, honestly, I don't even know if this is only the beginning, or the progression of misery, furthermore leading to a horrific outcome. I just want this all to be good again; to maintain an acceptable equilibrium is simply fine by me. Like I mentioned earlier, all I want to do is work to fly her over here, and so I can eventually go over there for school. That's my plan. That's what I want to do. Ironic you may say, for a kid who dropped out of school, I still want to go to it. My reason for dropping out wasn't to just rid myself of high school. I just hated the school I was attending and they left me no other choice but to drop out and get my GED. So far, most businesses and "professional" establishments I've witnessed withing the Florida confines is anything but professional.

Tomorrow I work until 10pm. Someone please kill me. Or at least offer me a better job. I can't stand this fast food restaurant that I work at. Starbucks will do. Much appreciated.

Saturday, October 18, 2008

Post 17: Some sacrifices...

I hate my life. What a lovely four words to start off a blog. But seriously, can I really love my life at this point? Let us keep in mind that, despite the current circumstances and other inconveniences, I have in fact improved since the very beginning and even before that. Improved in what you may ask? Well of course i believe i mean moving forward within life; overcoming the obstacles and derailing ones self from daily mundane activities, into... well... another order of daily mundane activities. That being said, let us recap what has progressed: I'm out of school, I have my license, and I have a job. Furthermore, I have a better idea of what I want to do in the future. But, there is a downside to it all. Although I am done with school, the future in my education has nothing to do with the past year of my american education. Even though I have my license, I still don't have a car. Therefore, owning a license to some extent is pointless and has minimum purposes. And the job I have, haha, well, let's not get started on that, shall we? All I will say is that it's by far one of the worst experiences I have ever had working. On one hand I am paranoid that I will get fired for something completely ridiculous and unreasonable, yet on the other, I would be glad to get rid of such a burden.

True, life for me this past (almost) year has progressed quite a bit. I'm just disappointed that it could have gone faster. Knowing that all that has been done, has been done so with ease. I simply wish my laziness hadn't intervened and slowed me down to such a point. And I guess with improvements in life being mentioned, my job hunt continues as I seek a better job, a more comfortable environment, and friendlier employees (although I am aware that there's always one who is going to be a total asshole).

In all honesty though, I don't work well under pressure. Nor would any wanna-be ruses inflict any sort of immediate and accurate action from me. In fact, all that would do is intimidate me, thus forcing me to step down my guard. Maybe I should just work at Google (: then again, scripting PHP is such a hassle.

Thursday, October 16, 2008

Post 16: Sometimes, you just can't complain...

It's been a while since I posted here, yet then again, I always write that.

I got that job, by the way. Yeah, I'm officially over a week into working at the good ol' Taco Bell. To be honest, It's by far, the worst working experience I've ever had. Everyone shit talks, tons of stories about hos getting fired and who is working slower or faster than the others. All in all, the whole system they've made up for themselves is bound for failure. Reason they haven't completely run out of business in that corner is mainly because few smart people actually work there and actually DO the right thing.

For the past week, I've been in what may seem to be some form of emotional turmoil. I was really sore at first, but I believe I've gotten used to all the movement (and non-movement) done within the facility. I mean, don't get me wrong, I'm a very determined worker. And as shitty as this job may be, I'm still willing to work there for her. Basically, all of this, is done mainly for her arrival here. It was the main intention I had in getting employed (that and aside from moving to Canada).