Monday, September 16, 2013

Four Fictitious Fixtures Far From Foretold

An update! yes, yes, a much needed update is... well... needed.

Hello, Internet! It's me again. In the same place I've been now for the past few months. Wow! few months now, eh? seems I've lived here just a tad longer than I did in Montreal. Kind of crazy to really think about, really. I mean, my whole intent was to move to Canada in the first place; was growing weary of the US and their ridiculous policy making, so I wanted to make a run for it, back up north. 

You know how, when you express a negative opinion (or opinions) towards your current country of dwelling, the recipient of audible information within your proximity responds with a monotonous and straightforward response, stating in an ever so "grammatically incorrect" manner, 
"Then why don't you just move then?"
Well let me tell you, generic human (which seems to encompass this earth by the masses, mind you), It's not that easy. There are circumstances, which are unfortunately every one of them, that require a sort of... Financial involvement, by which of course nothing can be done without. This surely ensures your living arrangement, your food arrangement, transportation, and overall survival. That being said, this applies to ALL form factors of moving, whether it's to Canada, to elsewhere.

That was in terms of my negativity to the US. Now that I'm a little bit older, I can honestly careless about this country, or any other.

Hence why I'm here; Hence why I ended up, essentially right on America's bible belt (despite my obvious lack of faith). It has all boiled down to ignoring politics, and the general well being for everyone around me, and just doing what I want to do. I suppose in summation, I've become much more selfish. Which is fine. Humans always had a tendency to be selfish, but nevertheless, it's human nature to ignore... another human.

So enough of this yabbering about how horrible of a person I am

and let's get down to the whole reason why I'm writing this; I've been in Norfolk, Virginia for around four months now, and To be quite honest, It's not that bad. In fact, it's actually quite "cool" in some ways. I mean, the essential location of where I live is so small and seemingly insignificant compared to the vastness of the state
as well as seeing how the entire state itself is made up into various tiny little cities and counties. If you're wondering, "which one up there is Norfolk?" well then you're simply not paying attention. It's the red dot. There. See it now? ok, good. And that sliver of something to the right side of it, that's Delaware. Anyways.... moving along. It's nice here. I like it. I mean it's still very underdeveloped, but I feel if it were guided in the right direction, there's so much potential.

So then you might be asking (at some point) what I'm doing here. Now, that question is so broad, I might even be blonde. As far as what I'm doing in the long run? I've decided I wanted to take my Illustration and designing expertise a bit further. Perhaps even get paid for it. That would be awesome. And as for what I'm doing right now?
Killing time, sitting in a health science building because they have comfy cozy couches and stuff. Also, WiFi. I have work in around 2 hours, so I figured I'd spend that time the worst way I know how; writing blogs about virtually nothing important. I havent drawn in a very long time, which makes me sad. In some ways, I'm still trying to get comfortable with living here; I've gotten to know my surroundings very well, even taken a drive outside this city. I have yet to feel a bit more cozy to direct my time towards things of the art-like-nature. I guess the whole money thing does get stressful from time to time.

It's also Monday, and I was thinking of MAYBE doing weekly vlogs, recording small bits from the week, then putting it together at the end of the week into one edited video...? Eh. Thoughts. In addition to this week, my parents are supposed to come up to bring me my stuff (mostly my TV and cables) and pretty much be overall disappointed in my decision to live in, what most would refer to as, a "ghetto."

Meh. I guess we'll see how this develops

If you want more frequent updates from me (assuming you care), my twitter get's pretty noisy from time to time.
Same with my instagram. I also reactivated my Facebook, so you can stalk me there now if you like, I guess. And although it might seem that I abandoned google+, I havent. It's just become an intimidating network to share on i guess. I dont know. I've honestly stopped caring about the whole division between networks, and just use what's easiest, even if it's the douchiest.

- L

Thursday, June 6, 2013

Living in the middle

It has been six days since I arrived in Norfolk, Virginia and it has been an interesting experience so far. In a lot of aspects, the surrounding areas seem to be lost between suburban and urban kind of lifestyle. Large aspects remind me of fast paced city life, yet other aspects remind me more of Florida. The need to drive most places is a good example of that and what it could entail.

That being said, I'm still looking for a doable means of transportation, whilst looking for an apartment, all while spending as little money as possible. Which has proven to be difficult. I don't know what it is about American money compared to Canadian money, but its just so much easier to spend. In a scary way, of course.  Dollar bills are still a weird concept, as are pennies. I guess I got too accustomed to using loonies and getting rounded change.

As for now though, my search continues, and this beard isn't coming off until I'm fully settled (or I have a job interview) 

Till next time

- L

Wednesday, May 22, 2013

Can't Work Against Gravity

Although many tend to dream of levitation, or even defying the laws that gravity has set before us, we all know that they can't be broken; what has fallen, will continue till it's either interfered with an outside force, or inevitably hits the ground. In more ways than one, I'm the falling projectile heading downwards, and there's very little I can do to alter the situation.

In some good ways, I can't really worsen the current situation further than its current point, however I can always better it. In the end, it always comes down to monetary hardship and the struggle between trying to find ways to make dues with money you've already earned, or more ways to make said money in a shorter period of time. It's not easy. It never is. One thing is for certain out of all of this, and that thing, is that I'm moving to

Wednesday, May 8, 2013

All hope is not lost.... yet

Hello Blogger.

It's been a while.

I still hate you. A lot.

I haven't forgotten, but this isn't a place to express hate.... oh wait, yes it is. Well, on top of you failing so hard I had to find elsewhere to blog, hello Internet. How are you?

Unless you follow me on Twitter, or Instagram, or have me on an instant mobile messenger app, you probably haven't heard much from me. I've been doing alright I guess. Fluctuating between emotions and just, overall life situations, really. I believe last where we left off, I was living in Toronto and was in a relationship.