Wednesday, May 22, 2013

Can't Work Against Gravity

Although many tend to dream of levitation, or even defying the laws that gravity has set before us, we all know that they can't be broken; what has fallen, will continue till it's either interfered with an outside force, or inevitably hits the ground. In more ways than one, I'm the falling projectile heading downwards, and there's very little I can do to alter the situation.

In some good ways, I can't really worsen the current situation further than its current point, however I can always better it. In the end, it always comes down to monetary hardship and the struggle between trying to find ways to make dues with money you've already earned, or more ways to make said money in a shorter period of time. It's not easy. It never is. One thing is for certain out of all of this, and that thing, is that I'm moving to

Wednesday, May 8, 2013

All hope is not lost.... yet

Hello Blogger.

It's been a while.

I still hate you. A lot.

I haven't forgotten, but this isn't a place to express hate.... oh wait, yes it is. Well, on top of you failing so hard I had to find elsewhere to blog, hello Internet. How are you?

Unless you follow me on Twitter, or Instagram, or have me on an instant mobile messenger app, you probably haven't heard much from me. I've been doing alright I guess. Fluctuating between emotions and just, overall life situations, really. I believe last where we left off, I was living in Toronto and was in a relationship.