Saturday, September 27, 2008

Post 15: A New Chapter For Life to Pester

So it finally happened! I got a job! Not the best of jobs, but a job nonetheless. Where you may ask? Why at Taco Bell of course. Why would I work there? Well they called back for an interview; the ONLY ones who called back for an interview. Might as well grab opportunity while it's still fresh no? Although it did take them about a month to reply and call back, but hey, it's good enough for me. Now I should be able to fly her over with no sweat what so ever. I just hope I can last working there for more than a month! If they fire me before then, well, then I'm screwed!! Nothing can be worst than working there, yet it's just the same if I don't. Ah the curve balls life throws at me; how does it EVER expect me to catch them all with one mighty blow? I suppose I'll never know. But I sure hope that I can at least sustain the hardships given, otherwise I'm done for.

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